2 Comments / General, Lifestyle / By midlifewithsweettSharing in Caring! How many of these incredible people do you know? I’m going to share the top thought leaders for women in their 40’s and 50’s that really changed my life for the better. I was floored recently when a friend of mine told me that she never watches YouTube videos or reads blogs. Two seconds later she was telling me about how out of touch she feels and stuck. My question is this, could staying about from the internet be part of the problem? It sounds a little crazy I know, but reading blogs is a great way for me to relate to other people with social distancing in place. Even before COVID, I was an avid YouTube consumer. If I need to know how to do anything, I watch a video that walks me step by step through it from an average real life person and not a generic how to manual. Just today, I could not find a release lever by the photo in the manual and yet watching 20 seconds of a video and presto, it’s fixed. I think blogs and videos keep mid lifers current and engaged with people of all ages. I follow a lot of random channels but a passionate about finding people my age to support. These are some great middle aged influencers that you can get started with!

1. Hot & Flashy In this blog, you will see Angie is down to earth and does an amazing job of researching and comparing beauty products specifically for women over 50. My personal morning and evening face care routine came directly from a couple of her YouTube videos. You should definitely visit Angie at Hot & Flashy and please let her know that you heard about her from Midlife with Sweet T!

2. Gen X Traveler If you just need to get out of town, find inspiration, or fill out your bucket list with ideas then this is a great place to visit. I stumbled onto Susan’s website recently and just love it. Her 50 before 50 is inspiring me to make a detailed bucket list of amazing things to experience before my 50th birthday. Trust me, pushing out of your comfort zone is scary but so very rewarding! Don’t forget to let her know that I sent you.

3. Making Midlife Matter Elena and the crew do an amazing job of helping you face the reality of life and finances. I really loved her latest blog about wanting to quit your job. I feel like this is a daydream for 99.9% of us. She is straight and to the point about what you have to have to really be able to do it successfully. Getting your budget in place and learning to live with less so that you can DO so much more with your life resonates with me. I know you will love it too. Please tell her I sent you.

4. Middle-Aged, Free and Single OMG, this blog feels like she is just talking to me. Her post about hating tech rung so incredible true! In the process of starting this blog, I have hit one issue after another and everyone keeps saying how easy it is to start a blog. Well, if this is easy I’d say passing my boards were just simplistic! Maybe its me, maybe its that during our lives we actually lived without computers so coding is not a 2nd language for me. it is so comforting to hear another voice saying exactly what I am feeling and not hiding that we all struggle at times.

5. Cresting the Hill Leanne’s blog really pushes you to think about life. One of my very favorite posts is her yearly word of the year. It inspires readers to really put thought into what they want for the upcoming year. For 2020, her word symphony lead to some really interesting ways that things must ebb and flow for life to be in balance. I would say that is exactly what 2020 taught me. Weaving together just the right balance of faith, family, thankfulness, and passion brings a beautiful symphony but putting work and money in the primary beats turns the symphony to something else entirely. It’s time to focus on freedom, re-discovery, and becoming the best version of ourselves. Leanne from Crestingthehill.com
As you can see, there are some amazing middle aged influencers out there. Don’t forget to come back and see what other fun things I have for you! Oh, and please tell me below any suggestions of blogs or Youtubers that we need to add to this list! As always, kiss the ones you love, be thankful for what you have, and focus on who you are. Love always, Terri